Phone: +351 22 508 1475
Room: E219
Assistant Researcher
Research group: Process Systems Engineering
Background: PhD in Environmental Engineering – Faculty of Engineering of Porto, Portugal
Esteves, A. F., Gonçalves, A. L., Vilar, V. J., Pires, J. C.. “Is it possible to shape the microalgal biomass composition with operational parameters for target compound accumulation?”. Biotechnology Advances, (2024), 108493.
Esteves, A. F., Pardilhó, S., Gonçalves, A. L., Vilar, V. J., Pires, J. C.. “Unravelling the impact of light spectra on microalgal growth and biochemical composition using principal component analysis and artificial neural network models”. Algal Research, (2025), 85, 103820.
Esteves, A. F., Salgado, E. M., Vilar, V. J., Gonçalves, A. L., Pires, J. C.. “A growth phase analysis on the influence of light intensity on microalgal stress and potential biofuel production”. Energy Conversion and Management, (2024), 311, 118511.
Esteves, A. F., Gonçalves, A. L., Vilar, V. J., Pires, J. C.. “Comparative assessment of microalgal growth kinetic models based on light intensity and biomass concentration”. Bioresource Technology, (2024), 394, 130167.
Esteves, A. F., Santos, F. M., Pires, J. C. M.. “Carbon dioxide as geothermal working fluid: An overview”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (2019), 114, 109331.
“PhotoBioValue - Light effect on photobioreactor design for microalgae cultivation: enhancement of photosynthetic efficiency and biomass value” (PTDC/BTA‐BTA/2902/2021) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Beginning: 2022. Duration: 36 months. Role: Researcher.
“BLUE.FUTURE - Towards the next generation of sustainable products based on understudied microalgae and a biorefinery approach” (PCM_00083), funded by Government of Andalusia. Beginning: 2023. Duration: 24 months. Role: Researcher.
“Power2Biofuel – Storing Renewable Energy in Liquid Biofuels through Microalgae” (IJUP2021-Galp-17) funded by Universidade do Porto. Beginning: 2021. Duration: 12 months. Role: Researcher.
“PIV4Algae - Process Intensification for microalgal production and Valorisation” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031736) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Beginning: 2018. Duration: 48 months. Role: Researcher.