Phone: +351 22 508 1670
Room: E224
Senior Researcher
Research group: Processes, Products and Energy
Academic position: Professor Emeritus
Background: PhD in Chemical Engineering – Faculty of Engineering of Porto, Portugal
Xará, S. Almedia, M.F., Costa, C. "Life cycle assessment of three different management options for spent alkaline batteries" Waste Management, (2015), 43, 460-484.
Mata, T.M., Caetano, N.S., Costa, C.A.V., Sikdar, S.K., Martins, A.A. "Sustainability analysis of biofuels through the supply chain using indicators" Source of the DocumentSustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, (2013), 3, 53-60.
Coelho, C., Garrido, N., Martins, J., Carvalho, L., Costa, C. "Wood and Wood-based Panel Machining Quality" (Book Chapter), (2013), 27-82.
Madeira, A.C., Carravilla, M.A., Oliveira, J.F., Costa, C.A.V. "Document A methodology for sustainability evaluation and reporting in higher education institutions" Higher Education Policy, (2011), 24(4), 459-479.
Claro, J., Costa, C.A.V. "A made-to-measure indicator for cross-disciplinary bibliometric ranking of researchers performance" Scientometrics, (2011), 86 (1), 113-123.
"OHPAN - Environmental compatible production of wood particle agglomerate from wood of different species and wood residues" (13-05-04-FDR-00025), promoted by SONAE Industria S.A. and funded by Agência Nacional de Inovação (IDEA programme). Beginning: 2006. Duration: 28 months. Role: Principal investigator for FEUP's team.
"Ecopharmabuilding - Eco-Innovation of Pharmaceutical Buildings Supporting in Sustainable LCA Tool" (ECO/08/239082/SI2.540164), promoted by Altair Ingeniería and funded by the European Commission (CIP - Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme). Beginning: 2009. Duration: 36 months. Role: Senior researcher.
"Chemical Engineering: Process Optimization and Energy Conversion" (NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000026), funded by Programa Operacional Regional do Norte - ON.2. Beginning: 2014. Duration: 18 months. Role: Senior researcher.