25 years of Science and Innovation


Email: slezakokfe.up.pt

Phone: +351 22 508 2262

Room: E221

Laboratory: E204A, E205

Junior Researcher

Background: PhD in Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering of Porto, Portugal

Klára Slezáková

Major research topics

  • Air pollution
  • Environmental risk factors
  • Environmental indoor quality
  • Susceptible group-populations
  • Occupational exposure
  • Particles

Selected Publications

Slezakova, K., Pereira, M.C., Morais, S. (2020). “Ultrafine particles: Levels in ambient air during outdoor sport activities”. Environmental Pollution (2020), 258, 113648.

Madureira, J., Slezakova, K., Silva A. I., Lage, B., Mendes, A. Aguiar, L. Pereira, M. C. Teixeira, J. P. Costa, C. “Assessment of indoor air exposure at residential homes: Inhalation dose and lung deposition of PM10, PM2.5 and ultrafine particles among newborn children and their mothers”. Science of the Total Environment, (2020), 717, 137293.

Oliveira, M. Costa, S., Vaz, J. Fernandes, A. Slezakova, K., Delerue-Matos, C. Teixeira, J. P.,  Pereira, M.C., Morais, S. “Firefighters exposure to fire emissions: Impact on levels of biomarkers of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and genotoxic/oxidative-effects.” (2019). Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2020), 383, 121179.

Slezakova, K., de Oliveira Fernandes, E., Pereira, M.C. “Assessment of ultrafine particles in primary schools: Emphasis on different indoor microenvironments.” Environmental Pollution, (2019), 246, 885-895.

Oliveira, M., Slezakova, K., Delerue-Matos, C., Pereira, M.C., Morais, S. “Children environmental exposure to particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and biomonitoring in school environments: A review on indoor and outdoor exposure levels, major sources and health impacts.” Environment International, (2019), 124, 180 – 204.


Selected Projects

EDC(Mind)2 - Promoting healthy indoor environments with spotlight on endocrine disruptors: elucidating the links between environmental exposure, neurodevelopment and social behavior in children (PTDC/CTA-AMB/3040/202), funded by FCT (Portugal). Beginning: May 2022. Duration 36 months, Role: PI.

A panel of (bio)markers for the surveillance of firefighter's health and safety (PCIF/SSO/0017/2018), funded by  FCT (Portugal). Beginning January 2020. Duration 48 months. Role: Researcher


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